Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Um. what country are we in again?

UnfairWitness catalogues numerous occurances of the unspeakable practice of the U.S. military escorting (white) foreigners to safety, while leaving the (black) Americans to their own devices in "hellholes with no food or water."
The US Military is supposed to "protect" who, now? Foreign nationals over Americans? Is this a "class thing," "race thing" or something even more evil than we can bear to contemplate? What possible reason could there have been to treat ANY of the people left in New Orleans differently? Weren't the Americans at least equal to Brits and Aussies? Was it that the foreign nationals had diplomats looking out for their interests? If so, what does that say about who was looking out for the interests of Americans?

Anyone? Any righties want to take a shot at explaining why Americans were kept, starving and dying in the NOLA camps at gunpoint, as foreigners were "smuggled" out to the Hyatt and evacuated ahead of them?

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