Friday, March 17, 2006

Earth to Congress: WTF?

The disconnect between constituents and their representative is truly shocking. Congress no longer even pays lip service to the idea of speaking for the people they work for.

While the citizens are rarin' to go forward with censure and impeachment proceedings, only one—one!—senator has aligned himself with Feingold's call to censure Bush.

From Raw Story:

A new poll finds that a plurality of Americans favor plans to censure President George W. Bush, while a surprising 42% favor moves to actually impeach the President.

A poll taken March 15, 2006 by American Research Group found that among all adults, 46% favor Senator Russ Feingold's (D-WI) plan to censure President George W. Bush, while just 44% are opposed. Approval of the plan grows slightly when the sample is narrowed to voters, up to 48% in favor of the Senate censuring the sitting president.

Even more shocking is that just 57% of Republicans are opposed to the move, with 14% still undecided and 29% actually in favor. Fully 70% of Democrats want to see Bush censured.

More surprising still: The poll found fully 43% of voters in favor of actually impeaching the President, with just 50% of voters opposed. While only 18% of Republicans surveyed wanted to see Bush impeached, 61% of Democrats and 47% of Independents reported they wanted to see the House move ahead with the Conyers (D-MI) resolution.

And what does the opposition party have to say?
Democrats have to focus on average voters and their needs and not get diverted by other things," said Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, who leads the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. "That's where we'll find success."

When asked about the censure resolution, Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, paused for several seconds before wrinkling his face and trying to change the subject. He and others believe the censure discussion is a distraction.

A full 46% of citizens, a plurality, want to censure the president. A mere 2% of senators are behind the move. What does that tell you?

Even Sandra Day O'Connor (who, it might be said, bears no little responsibilty for installing the current regime), is talking dictatorship. And the democrats call the censure move a "distraction."

Really, who do these guys work for?

Today on Huffington Post, Cenk Uygur has a pretty funny piece on the subject called Three Crazy Things Democratic Politicians Believe.

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