Friday, October 07, 2005

A little logic for the Prez

... with visual aids yet....

As regards Dubya's claim that Al Qaeda wants to "establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Juan Cole says:
Yes, al-Qaeda does want these things. But then the Christian Identity Movement in the United States wants to establish a massive fortified refuge for persecuted white people to escape oppression at the hands of what they in their looney tunes way consider the evil, minority-dominated Federal Government. That crackpot fringe groups have big plans and ideas is not surprising, and we only have to worry about them if it looks like they might actually succeed.

But who thinks this particular crackpot plan is in any way feasible? Look at America's friends in the Middle East-- Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, etc., etc. Which one of them is on the verge of being taken over by al-Qaeda? Why, al-Qaeda had to plan out 9/11 from Europe because it could not operate in the Middle East! An al-Qaeda meeting in Cairo would have had more Egyptian government spies in attendance than radical fundamentalists!

(Green above shows governments friendly to the US. Reddish brown is Arab nationalist governments. Yellow is a Shiite theocracy. None of these regimes is friendly to radical al-Qaeda).
This is an excerpt from a lengthy and quite substantial post that's well worth reading.

1 comment:

Gruntled said...

Though, to be fair, Christian Identity hasn't flown planes into buildings, nor were their fights with the U.S. government greeted by cheering crowds in the Middle East.